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Assuming you are asking for the surface area of a cylinder of height 84 in and circumference (of end) of 26 in:

12 in = 1 ft

circumference = 2 x π x radius

→ radius = circumference ÷ (2 x π)

surface_area = 2 x area_of_ends + curved_area

= 2 x π x radius2 + height x circumference

= 2 x π x (circumference ÷ (2 x π))2 + height x circumference

= circumference2 ÷ (2 x π) + height x circumference

= (26 ÷ 12 ft)2 ÷ (2 x π) + (84 ÷ 12 ft) x (26 ÷ 12 ft)

≈ 15.91 sq ft

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