no 95 is not a square number
The square root of 95 = 9.746794345 2 times 9.746794345 = 19.49358869.
95 Acres = 0.1484 square mile
sqrt(95) cannot be simplified.
no 95 is not a square number
The area of the room is 95 square feet.
95 square meters is 1,022.6 square feet.
There are 60,800 acres in 95 square miles.
95 square inches = 0.0612902 square metres.
The 5th square root of 95 is approximately 2.882.
Not a square number (94.868) Nearest is 9025 (95 x 95)
95^2 = 9,025
The square root of 95 = 9.746794345 2 times 9.746794345 = 19.49358869.
The square root of 9025 is 95.