Go 37.25 units of distance in any direction. Turn 90 degrees clockwise and go 37.25 units of distance in a straight line. Turn 90 degrees clockwise and go 37.25 units of distance in a straight line. Turn 90 degrees clockwise and go 37.25 units of distance in a straight line.
You will have travelled along a square route whose total distance is 149 units. Alternatively you could have turned counter clockwise each time.
The square root of 149 will be between 12 and 13, closer to 12. 12.1 is too low, 12.3 is too high. Go with 12.2
49 + 12.207 = 61.207
If its a right angle triangle then the hypotenuse using Pythagoras 2 times the square root of 149
It is ABOUT 5.3 5.3 X 5.3 X 5.3 = 149
The square root of 149 (7 squared plus 10 squared equals 149).
The square root of 149 will be between 12 and 13, closer to 12. 12.1 is too low, 12.3 is too high. Go with 12.2
49 + 12.207 = 61.207
149 square feet = 16.5 square yards.
If its a right angle triangle then the hypotenuse using Pythagoras 2 times the square root of 149
It is ABOUT 5.3 5.3 X 5.3 X 5.3 = 149
The square root of 149 (7 squared plus 10 squared equals 149).
The square root of the square root of 2
The 8th root
square root of (2 ) square root of (3 ) square root of (5 ) square root of (6 ) square root of (7 ) square root of (8 ) square root of (9 ) square root of (10 ) " e " " pi "
There are infinitely many of them. They include square root of (4.41) square root of (4.42) square root of (4.43) square root of (4.44) square root of (4.45) square root of (5.3) square root of (5.762) square root of (6) square root of (6.1) square root of (6.2)