187 to the nearest 100 = 200
What do you mean you can't square it? The square of 187 is 187*187 which is 34969.
187 sq feet = 17.37 sq meters
The square root of 187 is approximately 13.6747943312. I am not sure how many digits you would need to calculate to identify the entire precise square root.
187 to the nearest 100 = 200
What do you mean you can't square it? The square of 187 is 187*187 which is 34969.
187 square kilometres is bigger, 187 square micrometres is smaller. Take your pick!
187 sq feet = 17.37 sq meters
Area of equilateral triangle: 0.5*12*12*sin(60 degrees) = 187 square cm
1 square metre equals 10,76391 sq feet.So 187 square metres equals 2012,85 square feet.
Hint if you are a student trying to do your homework: One square yard is 9 square feet, so what should you do to see how many 9's are in 187 square feet. Students do do peek below The answer is 187/9 = 20.7777
Answer: 187 rounded to the nearest ten is 190.