The square root of 216 is 14.6969384567. This cubed is 3174.53870665.
It is: 15 and its proper value is 6 times square root of 6
Irrational numbers are precisely those real numbers that cannot be represented as terminating or repeating decimals. Log 216 = 2.334453751 terminates and is therefore not irrational.
With great difficultly because it is an irrational number and it is about 14.69693846 by using a calculator
An example is the square root of a number. Ex: square root of 2. This is 1 example, not the main one. Any cube root or square root which doesn't give a perfect number is an irrational number. Ex; square root and cube root of 5, since their answer will be 2.24 and 1.70 which are not perfect numbers like square roots of 25 and 64 or cube roots of 27 and 216.
The square root of 216 is ~14.7
The square root of 216 is 14.6969384567. This cubed is 3174.53870665.
no, it is not a perfect square, but it can be reduced to: 6 time the square root of 6
It is: 15 and its proper value is 6 times square root of 6
Irrational numbers are precisely those real numbers that cannot be represented as terminating or repeating decimals. Log 216 = 2.334453751 terminates and is therefore not irrational.