Nonterminating Decimal: A decimal that continues without end.For example:The square root of 2 = 1.414213562… Therefore, the square root of 2 is a nonterminating decimal.
Square root of 1804 = 42.47 (2 decimal places)
square root of 13.5 in 2 decimal point is 3.67
25.34 (to 2 Decimal places)
The value of the square root of 2 starts with 1.414. When written as a decimal number, it goes on forever.
Nonterminating Decimal: A decimal that continues without end.For example:The square root of 2 = 1.414213562… Therefore, the square root of 2 is a nonterminating decimal.
Square root of 1804 = 42.47 (2 decimal places)
square root of 13.5 in 2 decimal point is 3.67
The square root of 64 is 8. Rounded to two decimal places it would be 8.00
25.34 (to 2 Decimal places)
The value of the square root of 2 starts with 1.414. When written as a decimal number, it goes on forever.
2 x 90 = 180 and its square root to 4 decimal places is 13.4164
Rounded to two decimal places, the square root of 200,000,000 is equal to 14142.14.
It is: 2 times the square root of 22 which is about 9.381 rounded to 3 decimal places
It is: 2 times the square root of 35 which is about 11.832 to three decimal places
square it
No. The square root of 2 is approximately 1.414. Since there are non-zero digits after the decimal point, that means it is NOT an integer.