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Q: What is the square root of 5 to the power of 4?
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What is 16 to the power 5?

16 to the power (1/2) is the same as the square root of 16 - that is, 4.16 to the power (1/2) is the same as the square root of 16 - that is, 4.16 to the power (1/2) is the same as the square root of 16 - that is, 4.16 to the power (1/2) is the same as the square root of 16 - that is, 4.

What is the square root of 5 times 5 square root of 4?

what? I don't know what you mean.the square root of 5(2.236067978) times 4 or the square root of 5 times 4 (what I mean is 5 times 4(20)and the square root of that number) so for my first Q the A is 8.94427191.For Q 2 the A is 4.472135955.

What is the square root of 20 in simplest form?

square root of 20 = square root of 4 * square root of 5. square root of 4 = 2, so your answer is 2 square root of 5.

Simplify the algebraeically the square root of 20?

20 is 5x4 so we can simplify it like this: ____ ______ / = / \/ 20 \/ 5 x 4 Also note that: ____ / = 2 \/ 4 So... ____ ____ / = / \/ 20 2 \/ 5

What is the domain of a square root function with an endpoint at 4 5?

There can be no possible answer because the point (4, 5) is not on a square root.

What happens when a square root radical is raised to the second power?

they cancel each other out. the square root of 5 raised to the second power = 5

What is the square root of 4 and 25 multiplied?

If you mean, the square root of 4 multiplied by the square root of 5, that is 2x5=10 If you mean, the square root of ( 4x25), that is the square root of 100 which is 10

How is a square root different from a square?

a square root is the opposite of a square.5 squared is 5 x 5 so 25that means that the square root of 25 is 522 = 4square root of 4 = 2

What is the square root of 4 plus the square root of 9?

sqrt(4) = 2 sqrt(9) = 3 Therefore, the square root of 4 plus the square root of 9 is equal to 2 + 3 = 5.

What is the square root of 3x plus 4 equals 5?

Square root of 3=1 so 1+4=5

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What is 3 square root 28 simplified?

5 square root 7 because 3 square root of 28 goes from 3 square root of 28 to 3 square root of 7 and 4 which then 4 condenses down to 2 and you add that to 3 then you get 5 square root of 7