± 4.690416*i (to 6 dp) where i is the imaginary square root of -1.
+ or - 0.9487 (to 4 dp)
25.01999 to 5 dp.
√22.69 = ±4.7634 (4 dp)
+ or - 121.917 to 3 dp. And it is square root, not route.
+ or - 20.785 to 3 dp. And it is square root, not route.
+ or - 3162.275 to 3 dp. And it is square root, not route.
The square root (not route!) of 2400 is 48.9898 (to 4 dp)
The square root (not route!) of 7886 is 88.803 to 3 dp
+ or - 1.432 to 3 dp. And it is square root, not route.
± 4.690416*i (to 6 dp) where i is the imaginary square root of -1.
Not sure about a square route, but the square root of 654321 is 808.901 (to 3 dp).
129.64 (to 2 dp)
6040.11 (to 2 dp)
19.94994 (to 5 dp)
2205.83 (to 2 dp)