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matter equels y to the power x plus e

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Q: What is the square root of e when x over y equals various or variable may be known as 2x minus y to the power of e?
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The dependent variable changes as a result of changes in the independent variable.Put another way,The Independent Variable is manipulated, and is known as the changed variable.The Dependent Variable is responding, and is known as the result.Example : In an experiment to test the effect of heating on evaporation, the various temperatures would be the independent variable, which will be changed by the experimenter. The amount of water that evaporates in a given time is the dependent variable, which is the data sought in the experiment.

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A variable Y is said to be in direct square proportion of a variable X ifthey are both 0 together andif variable X takes any value p then Y takes the value c*p2 where c is a constant, known as the constant of [square] proportionality.A typical example would by X = linear measure of a regular 2 or 3-d shape and Y = its surface area.