The cubed root of 726 is 9. 9 squared is 81
square root of 9 is 3.
Square root: √27 = 5.196152423 Result of squared root cubed: 5.196152423 x 5.196152423 x 5.196152423 = 140.2961154293 (Or 140.303 to 2 decimal places.)
The cubed root of 726 is 9. 9 squared is 81
3 cubed = 27 and 9 squared = 81 which is the biggest number
2 squared --> 4 2 cubed --> 8 3 squared --> 9 3 cubed --> 27
Improved Answer:The cubed root of 4 over 9 is 0.7631428284
No, 2 cubed is not the same as 3 squared. 23 = 8 32 = 9
Roots in math are like the opposite of exponents, kind of like multiplying and dividing, and adding and subtracting. If you take square a number, and then take the square root of that number, you just undid everything. If 9 squared is 81, then the square root of 81 is 9. If 5 cubed is 125, then the cubed root of 125 is 5.
'9 Cubed' means 9 X 9 X 9 9 x 9 = 81 )9 squared) Then 81 x 9 = 729 (9 cubed)
square root of 9 is 3.
The square root of 81 is 9, and 9 cubed is 729.
9 minus 8