The square root of 29 is approximately equal to 5.38516581.
Cube root 48: ~3.634241Cube root 320: ~6.839904
The sum of 320 and the square root of 10 is approximately 329.16.
squere root of 46250
The square root of 29 is approximately equal to 5.38516581.
Cube root 48: ~3.634241Cube root 320: ~6.839904
The sum of 320 and the square root of 10 is approximately 329.16.
I think you mean simplified form of sq root (320) = 8x sq root 5
320 = 64(5) =8 radical 5.,,....or 8 times the square root of 5!
They are -17.8885i and 17.8885i where i is the imaginary square root of -1.
8 times the square root of 5
It will be the square root of 320 which is 17.88854382 feet.