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Q: What is the standard commission on the sale of 1000 tons of gold?
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What is the commission on a sale valued at 150000000.00 and the commission is 0.075 percent of the value of the sale price?

The commission on the sale is $112,500.00

Where can I purchase Whey Gold Standard for sale online?

I was simply astonished of the amount of websites that sell Whey Gold Standard. You can purchase Whey Gold Standard at,, and

What is commission based on value of sales?

A commission is a percentage of the sale the salesman receives as compensation for the sale.

Is a percent amount that a salesperson makes for a sale?

A percentage commission. Commission can also be a flat rate commission - a fixed amount for every sale.

How are commission employees paid?

commission pay is when how much money worth of product/services you sell determines how much money you get paid. most commission percentages are 5%-10%. so say you got a 5% commission on what you sell, and you sold $1000 worth of services, you would get paid $50.

A real-estate agent earned a commission of 4300 on the sale of an 86000 house. Which statement below identifies a commission that is at the same rate?

A commission of $2,600 on the sale of a $52,000 house.

How is sales commission usually shared?

Earning a commision on a sale usually depends on the price of the product and the percentage of commission earned on the sale. For instance a company who offers 20% commission, a sales person would be $20 dollars on the sale.

What is accrued commission?

Accrued commission is commission that builds up over time. Commission is what you earn, usually a percentage, from a sale of something.

What is the rate of commission on a 15000 sale if the commission is 45?

15000 x 45 % = 6,750

What is commission rate?

percentage of money you get from a sale.

what is the answer to A sale price will earn a commission equal to 1/32 of the total sale. What is the commission earned on sales totaling 24,000?

1/32 (2400)=$750

What does commission mean in math?

commission is the money paid to a salesman each time a sale is made.