300000000+70000000+2000000+500000+10000+2000+800+50 = 372,512,850.
Three hundred seventy two million five hundred twelve eight hundred five.
What is 1,000,000+500,000+8 written in standard form
It is 50*10000 = 5*10^5
300000000+70000000+2000000+500000+10000+2000+800+50 = 372,512,850.
300000000+70000000+2000000+500000+10000+2000+800+5 =372512805All the addition can happen in the same step.
Three hundred seventy two million five hundred twelve eight hundred five.
Three hundred seventy two billion, 54 million, 2 thousand eight hundred and five.
The word form is: three tredecillion, seven decillion, twenty septillion, five quintillion, one trillion, twenty million, eight thousand, five.
2000000-1500000=500000 500000/20000000=25%
The efficiency of the car's engine is calculated as the ratio of the useful work output to the total heat input. In this case, the useful work output is 500000 joules (2000000 J - 1500000 J) and the total heat input is 2000000 joules. Therefore, the efficiency is 500000 joules / 2000000 joules, which equals 0.25 or 25%.
25% of 1.2 of anything is 0.3 of them.