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Q: What is the standard inches of a number 2 pencil?
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How long is a standard number 2 pencil?

A pencil with one pinted end and one flat end, will have two sides (as the pointed end is all one surface), PLUS however many sides the body of the pencil has - in this case six, so the total willl be 8.

Is 7 1 2 inches a good size?

That would be an excellent length for a pencil, but about an inch and a half too short to be standard paper.

Why is the number 2 pencil still number 2 if it is the most popular?

The 2 is the number of the lead in the pencil.

What is the average size of a pen pencil ruler rubber and a sharpener?

The average size for a pen is about 5.5 inches, for a pencil is about 7 inches, for a ruler is about 12 inches, for a rubber (eraser) is about 2 inches, and for a sharpener is about 2 inches in length.

How long is the ferrule on a standard 2 pencil?


Which Indian pencil is equivalent to US pencil number 2?


What is the average size of a pencil?

The length of a pencil is arround 19.05 centimeters or 7.5 inches. The diameter is 5/16 inch or 7.9 mm. The volume is 10 um3.

What is a number 2 pencil?

The # is reference to the hardness of lead A number 2 pencil is averagely hard aka HB

How can you tell if a pencil is a number 2 pencil?

Usually on most pencils it says it on the case or on the side of the pencil by the eraser it says PENCIL #2 or #2.Hope i helped!:)

Which is longer a 10-cm or a 2-dm pencil?


How many words can a number 2 pencil write?

Theoretically, the a number 2 pencil can write an infinite number of words. The number 2 in the number 2 pencil actually indicates how hard the graphite is. For more information, visit:

What are the standard dimensions of a 2 Pencil?

Typical Typically-sized pencil under a ruler. A standard, hexagonal, "#2 pencil" is cut to a hexagonal height of 1⁄4-inch (6 mm), but the outer diameter is slightly larger (about 9⁄32-inch (7 mm)).[