If you were born on July 27 you would be 65 years old. But if you weren't, it depends on what day of the year you were born.
As of August 2021, if you were born on July 27, 1987, you would be 34 years old.
4749 days on 27 July 2012.
I was not born on 17 July 1992. So, in terms of predicate logic, any number will do for an answer. As of 27 March 2012, a person born on 17 July 1992 would be 7193 days old.
Until July 26, 2010, you're 27. On July 26, 2010, you turn 28. Many happy returns.
The zodiac star sign for September 27 is Libra (September 24 - October 23).
The Star/Sun sign for May 27 is Gemini (May 21 - June 21).
Aquarius & the symbol is the Water Bearer.
Born on the 27th of April, one would be born under the sign of Taurus.
The zodiac star sign for August 27 is Virgo (August 24 - September 23).
Nikolai Cherkasov was born on July 27, 1903.
Born 27 March 1988, Jessica Ellen Cornish (aka Jessie J) has the Sun in Aries.
Jordan Spieth was born on July 27, 1993
Born March 27, 1988, Brenda Song was born under the sign of Aries.