If you are talking about statistics related to the number of gay people, most estimates come within 3% to 8% of the population.
It depends on which statistics you are referring to. If you are talking about the number of gay people in Minnesota, as of 2014, is about 189,000 people.
Social statistics is the use of statistics applied to people and their behaviors, habits, and opinions. The most common way to acquire social statistics is through polls and surveys.
Although the statistics around this issue is very hazy and taboo, a recent study in Taiwan claims that 20% of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people have contemplated or attempted suicide at least once in their life. This is shocking since Taiwan's LGBT rights is fairly advanced compared to other countries and their suicide rate is already very high. Sadly, this is a reflection of society's treatment of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people in our society. The only way to lower these harrowing statistics and events is to raise awareness and accept LGBT people openly into our society.
National income statistics are heavily limited by disclosure. If many people choose not to reveal their true income levels, the statistics available will be skewed.
Graphs and statistics in advertising can help people decide what products bring the most profit. Statistics can also show the age groups of the customers and their location.
It depends on which statistics you are referring to. If you are talking about the number of gay people in Minnesota, as of 2014, is about 189,000 people.
This is a myth. The gay relationship has been attacked for years, but gay people actually have the same relationship statistics as straight people.
There are no statistics available, since it is not national news when a gay person comes out.
No such statistics exist wordwide, since the number is not known.
There aren't any combined worldwide statistics, because gay people can get married in more than 25 countries as of 2014.
oh this is gay
Modern statistics say there is around 1 out 20 chance that a child will be gay.
There are no statistics that are measured on this.
It is estimated that around 11% of Australians identify as part of the LGBTQ+ community, which includes individuals who are gay. However, it is important to note that sexual orientation is personal and may not always be accurately reflected in statistics.
Those statistics are not available, but many Irish people can do it.Those statistics are not available, but many Irish people can do it.Those statistics are not available, but many Irish people can do it.Those statistics are not available, but many Irish people can do it.Those statistics are not available, but many Irish people can do it.Those statistics are not available, but many Irish people can do it.Those statistics are not available, but many Irish people can do it.Those statistics are not available, but many Irish people can do it.Those statistics are not available, but many Irish people can do it.Those statistics are not available, but many Irish people can do it.Those statistics are not available, but many Irish people can do it.
Surveys aren't usually taken to measure homophobia, but if you just use the statistics regarding gay rights as a base, about 47% of the US population (as of December 2013) oppose same sex marriage, so it's fair to say that these people do not regard gay people as deserving of equality, and that is a form of hatred. That's about 1.5 million haters.
Unfortunately LGBT suicide is still at an epidemic level. 33% of teen suicides are gay and lesbian youth. There are no world statistics, but the numbers are much higher compared to percentages of straight people that commit suicide.