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same as double declining balance method, 200%

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Q: What is the statutory percentage method formula?
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What is the formula for percentage of sales method?

The formula used for percentage of sales is quite simple. It entails figuring out the total amount of sales which is equal to one hundred percent. The particular method used is a portion of the total sales.

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What the difference between statutory and non statutory valuation?

Statutory valuation = this is a product of an act of law, I.e when a statute is specify the method that should be adopted in determining the value required for instance the land use decree in section 29 specify the method to be adopted in carrying out valuation for compensation so also in carrying out valuation for taxation. The various statutes concern, specify or indicate the method to be used. While non-statutory or natural valuation = are those arriving from a natural event. Which ever case, the valuer is also concern with the market value of the property. These includes valuation for sales, purchase, rentals mortgage etc.

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The FORCAST formula is a forecasting method used in Excel to predict future values based on historical data. It uses the linear regression analysis to estimate the future values. The formula syntax is "=FORECAST(alpha, known_y's, known_x's)".

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Cost = Selling Price - Gross Profit By using this formula or method easily we can get the selling price of the product

To verify section formula by graphical method?

You can verify section formula by graphical method if you cannot solve it using algebra.