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2x + 9 = 27

2x = 18

x = 9

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Q: What is the steps.I think of an number and double it. Then I add 9 to get the sum of 27?
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What are some mind reading number tricks?

Tell them to think of a number between 1-9. Tell them to double it Tell them to add, let's say, 4 Tell them to half it Tell them to tell them their answer and their answers would be 2. How? Easy. Half of the number you tell them to add after they double their, is the number they started with. In this case, 2 would be their starting answer because half of 4 is 2 It also works with odd numbers, if you're good at calculating decimals So remember. Think of a number. Double it Add a number of your choice Half it Ask for their answer. Half the number you told them to add Tell them And there you go, they'll think you're a mind-reader

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It's not possible to double any whole number, then add 4, and wind up with an odd number.

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22 Double it, add two, double it, add two, etc.

What type of number do you get if you double a whole number and add one?

That always gives you an odd number.

What does double the original number mean?

It means to multiply the number by 2 or to add it to itself. So if the original number is 10, then double that number would be 20.

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2x + 20

What is the trick where you make someone get a specific number?

The trick is that you ask somebody to think of a number, double it, add 10, half it , take away the first number you thought of and your answer is 5 . This is because you asked them to add 10 and their answer was 5. it is just the same with other numbers as long as they are even. Say if you asked them to add 8, their answer would be 4 or if you asked them to add 6, their answer would be 3. You just half the number that you added and it will instantly get you their answer.

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Double it. Add or subtract one. Multiply it by an even number. Threaten it.

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