The straight-line distance from Newcastle, England to Darwin, Australia is 8557 miles. This is the true straight line distance which accounts for the curvature of the earth, NOT the straight line drawn on a map
Charles Darwin's Intelligence Quotient was 165, or, as some state, 160. Because Charles never took any form of an IQ test, we can only estimate...however, definitely between 160 - 180.
Given that the Beatles did not form up until well after Darwin was long dead, I would say none. Unless you refer to someone, other than Charles Darwin, who haunted the Cavern.
Charls darwin in 1845
Charles Darwin
The driving distance from Darwin to Cairns is 2853 kilometres
A flight from Darwin, Australia to Cairns, Australia is 2 hours.
Without stopping for supplies around 890NM from Darwin to cairns
Adelaide and Alice Springs have the shortest direct distance between them.
The straight-line distance from Newcastle, England to Darwin, Australia is 8557 miles. This is the true straight line distance which accounts for the curvature of the earth, NOT the straight line drawn on a map
Darwin is further north than Cairns in Australia. Darwin is located in the Northern Territory, while Cairns is situated in the state of Queensland.
About 2 hours.
2.5 hours
The road distance between Melbourne and Darwin is around 3752 kilometres. The journey would take approximately 45 hours, so would best be undertaken over a minimum of 5 days. The air distance is 3140km and takes between 4 hours and 4 hrs 40 mins.
1,958 miles Darwin International Airport to Sydney Airport (SYD)
The flight distance from Tokyo, Japan to Darwin, Australia is: 3,363 miles / 5,411 km