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{-1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4}

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Q: What is the subset of integers between -1 and 4 exclusive?
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How many integers lie between 3 and 98?

There are 94 integers between 3 and 98 (exclusive).98 - 3 - 1 = 94There are 94 integers between 3 and 98. If you also include 3 and 98 you reach 96. 94 is called the "exclusive" answer and 96 the "inclusive" answer.

What is a set of numbers that includes 1 but not zero?

The set of positive integers contains 1 but not zero. Within the set of integers, there is the subset of positive integers, the subset of negative integers and the subset with a single element in it - zero. There are a zillion other sets that could be specified that meet the conditions set down in the question. The one cited is an easy one.

Is the set of integers a subset of the set of rational numbers?

Yes. Integers are just rational numbers of the form a/1.

Where are prime and composite numbers?

They are in the subset of integers which are greater than 1.

Are the natural numbers a subset of the integers?

Yes. The natural numbers {1, 2, 3, ...} are all contained within the integers {..., -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, ...}.

What is a subset of rational numbers?

Unit fractions (those with a numerator of 1), but I suspect you want Integers: ℤ ⊂ ℚ

Can the set of mixed numbers is the union of the set of integers and the set of fraction?

No, the set of mixed numbers is a subset of the set of rational numbers. For example the mixed number 1 ¼ is the same as the improper fraction 5/4 [a rational number]. Note that it is a subset, because integers are also rational numbers, but a mixed number will not be an integer. Also, any fraction between 0 and 1 will not be a mixed number.

What is the set of integers lists the natural numbers?

The Natural numbers is the set of Integers greater than 0 (ie {1, 2, 3, ...})

What are the integers between -1.14 and 1.73?

Integers Between -1.41 and 1.73

What is the rational number for 360?

Integers are a subset of rationals, so 360 is a rational. If you must express it as a ratio, the simplest is 360/1.

How many natural numbers are there between -10 and 10?

Between -10 and 10 there are 9 natural numbers if exclusive of the -10 and 10, or 10 if inclusive. The natural numbers are the positive integers starting with 1, ie {1, 2, 3, ...}.