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Todays rules governing the Roman numeral system were introduced during the Middle Ages and they differed in many respects to how the Romans actually notated and calculated these numerals themselves.

But notwithstanding todays configuration of Roman numerals inasmuch that there is evidence to suggest that the ancient Romanswould have probably calculated the equivalent of 19, 14 and 99 in either of the fllowing formats:-

IXX+IXV = XXXIII => (20-1)+(15-1) = 33

XXXIII+IC = CXXXII => 33+(100-1) = 132


XVIIII+XIIII = XXXIII => 19+14 = 33


Note that: 5*I = V, 2*V = X, 5*X = L and 2*L = 100

Roman numerals: C = 100, L =50, X = 10, V = 5 and I = 1


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Q: What is the sum of 19 plus 14 plus 99 calculated in two different ways in Roman numerals giving clear reasons how and why?
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How should the New Year of 2014 be correctly expressed using Roman numerals in two different ways if one of them is not MMXIV giving reasons?

MMXIIII as the alternate (on clocks for example) version of number 4 is IIII

What is 999999 in Roman numerals?

In today's modern notation it is: (CMXCIX)CMXCIX Numerals in brackets indicate multiplication by a thousand. So: 999*1000+999 = 999,999 However, the Romans themselves would have probably calculated this number out on a abacus counting device as (DCCCCLXXXXVIIII)DCCCCLXXXXVIIII which can be simplified to I(M) in the same way that the numerals VIIII and XXXX (9 and 40) are simplified to IX and XL respectively. The way we write out Roman numerals today is different to the way that the Romans actually did themselves because today's rules governing the Roman numeral system were introduced during the Middle Ages and that was centuries after the decline of the Roman Empire. Evidence can still be found today in medieval manuscripts, on ancient monuments and buildings giving details of how these numerals were once written the most famous of these buildings being the Coliseum in Rome.

How would you square 69 in Roman numerals giving step by step instructions and clear reasons for your answer?

Today we would write out 69 in Roman numerals as LXIX but during the Roman era it was calculated as LXVIIII and by placing I to both sides of these numerals was probably simplified to ILXX (-1+70 = 69) in written form which made multiplication a lot easier because:- -I*ILXX = +I -LXX L*ILXX = -L+MMMD X*ILXX = -X+DCC X*ILXX = -X+DCC Calculation: MMMMDCCCCI - CXXXX = MMMMDCCLXI or as (IV)DCCLXI which are both the eqivalent of 4761 Remember that a minus number multiplied by a minus number produces a positive number. So -I*-I = I Roman numerals: M=1000, D=500, C=100, L=50, X=10, V=5 and I=1

What are the two correct ways to express 19 in Roman or Latin numerals giving details and reasons why?

19 expressed in ancient Roman numerals once were XVIIII 19 expressed in ancient abridged Roman numerals once were IXX 19 expressed in todays modern usage of Roman numerals are now XIX XVIIII translated into Latin is novemdecim meaning 19 IXX translated into Latin is undeviginti meaning 1 from 20 XIX translated into Latin doesn't exist Todays rules governing the ancient Roman numeral system had nothing to do with the Romans themselves because they were conceived, compiled and introduced during the Middle Ages.

What is the equivalent of 1999 in Roman numerals giving satisfactory reasons why?

MCMXCIX From left to right [ M ] [ CM ] [ XC ] [ 1X ] [1000] + [1000 - 100] + [100 -10] + [ 10 -1] 1000 + 900 + 90 + 9 =1999 M = 1000 C = 100 X = 10 1 = 1

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