622+285 = 907
If two prime number have a sum of 54 they cannot have a sum of 84, and conversely.
How about: 37+47 = 84
There are four consecutive 3-digit numbers with a sum of 2,494: 622, 623, 624 and 625.
27,28,29The sum of which is 84.
622+285 = 907
In the problem 56 + 28 = 84, 84 is the sum.
If two prime number have a sum of 54 they cannot have a sum of 84, and conversely.
The sum of 84 and 72 is 156.
-6 !
How about: 37+47 = 84
There are four consecutive 3-digit numbers with a sum of 2,494: 622, 623, 624 and 625.
There are no such numbers. The only two numbers that sum to 12 and whose product is -84 are irrational, and so cannot be considered as factors of 84.
The factors of -84 that equal the sum of -16 are: -28 and 12 -14 and -2 -12 and -4
27,28,29The sum of which is 84.