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Metabolism is the sum of all body activities.....really not that hard

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Q: What is the sum of all body activities?
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Which term is used to represents all of the physiological activities carried on by an organism?

Metabolism is the term used to represent all of the physiological activities carried on by an organism. It includes processes such as digestion, respiration, and energy production.

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What is The sum total of all the chemical and physical activities of a cell called?

The sum total of all the chemical and physical activities of a cell is called metabolism. This includes processes such as growth, reproduction, and energy production.

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DNA carries the genetic instructions that dictate the development, function, growth, and reproduction of living organisms. It serves as a blueprint for building and maintaining all aspects of an organism's cells and tissues. DNA also plays a crucial role in passing on genetic traits from parents to offspring.

Why is the sum of all chemical reaction in the human body known as metabolism?

Metabolism encompasses all the chemical reactions that occur in the body to maintain life. It includes processes such as converting food into energy, building and repairing tissues, and removing waste products. This continuous sum of reactions is essential for growth, energy production, and overall function of the body.

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What Refers to the sum of all forces acting on the body?

Net force is the sum of all forces acting on a body. It is the overall force that influences the body's motion and determines its acceleration according to Newton's second law of motion.

What are the conditions for the complete equilibrium of a body?

For complete equilibrium of a body, the sum of all forces acting on the body must be zero (ΣF = 0) and the sum of all torques acting on the body about any point must also be zero (Στ = 0). This means that both the translational and rotational aspects of equilibrium are satisfied, ensuring that the body remains stationary and does not rotate.