

What is the sum of c and 3?

Updated: 9/26/2023
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Q: What is the sum of c and 3?
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Sum means to add.. so the equation would look like 3(c+d) or (c+d)*3. You could also add them separately. 3c+3d Hope that helps!

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Um, x2+3x-5=0? This is ax2+bx+c where a=1, b=3, and c=-5. The sum of the roots is -b/a so that means the sum of the roots is -3. Also, product of the roots is c/a. That means the product of the roots is -5. -3+(-5)= -8. There you have it.

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The sum of is the total of everything being summed; the sum total. Thus the sum of a, b and c is therefore a + b + c.

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"the same as the others added together" For example: a=b+c+d a is equal to the sum of b plus c plus d. 9=2+3+4

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J C Sum was born in 1976.

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