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Q: What is the sum of negative 2 plus positive 2?
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The sum of +9 and -11 is -2.

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The sum of 9 and -11 is -2.

Is the sum of two integers with the same sign positive or negative?

if the 2 signs are negative, than the sum is negative. if the 2 signs are positive, than the sum is positive.

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The sum of two negative integers is never positive.

What is a positive integer times a negative integer?

negative read this : "MULTIPLICATION: minus times minus is plus (negative x negative = positive).....minus times plus is minus (negative x positive = negative) times plus is plus (positive x positive = positive) DIVISION: minus divi minus is plus (negative ÷ negative = positive)......minus divi plus is minus (negative ÷ positive = negative) divi plus is plus (positive ÷ positive = positive)"

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The sum of 2/3 and -1/6 is 1/2

Negative plus a positive?

Negatives and Positives Positive + Positive = Positive Negative + Negative = Positive Negative + Positive = Negative Positive + Negative = Negative

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The sum of the first 10 positive integers 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 and 10 is 55. The sum of the first 10 negative integers -1,-2,-3,-4,-5,-6,-7,-8,-9 and -10 is -55. The sum of the first 10 positive plus the sum of the first 10 negative integers is 0

What is the sum of two opposites?

If the negative has a greater absolute value, the sum will be negative. If the positive has a greater absolute value, the sum will be positive.

What a positive plus a negative?

a positive plus a negative is a positive example 9-(-2) you would change the double negative to a positive hope this helped :)

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Positive 3 plus negative 5 minus negative 2 minus positive 4 is equal to -4.