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An angle greater than 180 degrees.

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Q: What is the sum of the angles in a triangle in sperical geometry?
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What is the triangle angle sum theorem?

The sum of the interior angles of a triangle in euclidean geometry equal 180 degrees

What is the sum of the interior angles of a triangle in non-Euclidean geometry?

Any number you like.

Can the sum of the angles of a triangle exceed 180 degrees?

In basic Euclidean geometry no, the sum of the angles always equals 180 degrees exactly. In non-Euclidean geometry it can exceed 180 degrees.

Does an angle of an triangle sum up to 180 degrees?

The sum of the interior angles of a triangle always add up to 180 degrees. In Euclidean geometry

What is the sumof the measure of the three anglesin a triangle?

The sum of the three angles in any triangle is 180 degrees. In plane Euclidean geometry

How do you find the angle of triangle if their sum and difference is given?

In plane Euclidean geometry there are 3 angles in any triangle that add up to 180 degrees and if given 2 angles the sum of the 2 angles minus 180 will give the measure of the 3rd angle

Is the sum of the measures of the angles of a triangle always 180?

Yes - in the case of triangles in Euclidian geometry. That is, basically triangles in a plane.

What is the meaning of scalene triangle?

In standard geometry, a triangle with none of its interior angles the same is scalene. Recall those three angles must sum to 180 degrees. Other triangle types include isoceles and equilateral.

Sum of the angles of a triangle?

Sum of interior angles of a triangle total 180 degrees

What is the sum of the angles in a scalene triangle?

The sum of the angles in any triangle is 180 degrees.

Three interior angles of a triangle have a sum of?

Interior angles of a triangle have a sum of 180 degrees.

What is the sum of all the angles of a triangle?

The sum of all of the angles of a triangle will ALWAYS be 180 degrees.