4 and 2 are factors of -28.
The sum of all the positive factors of 12 is 28.
A perfect number is a number that is the sum of all its proper factors (that is all its factors excluding itself). The next perfect number after 28 is 496
The second perfect number after 6 is 28. The sum of the factors of 28, excluding itself, is 1 + 2 + 4 + 7 + 14 = 28.
The prime factors of 28 are 2 and 7. Their sum is 9.
4 and 2 are factors of -28.
The sum of all the positive factors of 12 is 28.
28 and 6 are factors of 336.
4 and 7
4 & 7
4 and 7
The factors of -84 that equal the sum of -16 are: -28 and 12 -14 and -2 -12 and -4