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Q: What is the sum of the greatest and smallest four digit numbers formed by using each of d digits 6039 atleast once?
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Assuming that 000001 isn't considered as the smallest number with 6 digits on the basis that it would just be written as 1 instead: greatest whole number with 5 digits: 99,999 smallest whole number with 6 digits: 100,000 So hence the 6 digit number is the greatest. If negative numbers were involved though, then the 5 digit number would be the largest by definition. As it would still be 99,999 whereas the smallest 6 digit number would be -999,999

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It is -987. The smallest positive 3-digit integer with unique digits is 102.

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The difference is 360.

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252 of them.

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There are 27 such numbers.

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The smallest number that someone can get using the 91764 digits is 14679. The secret is to arrange the digits from the least number to their greatest number.

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Smallest is 11 & Largest is 77.

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All numbers are made with digits and there is no limit on how big they can be. So there is no greatest number.