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Q: What is the sum of the measures of the interior angles for a regular dodecahedron?
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What is the sum of the measures of the interior angles of a regular of a regular polygon if each exterior angle measures 120?

If exterior angles are 120 then interior angles must be 60 so you have an equilateral triangle

What is the measure of the interior angles of the regular petagono?

If you mean a regular pentagon then each of its 5 interior angles measures 108 degrees

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Each interior angle measures 108 degrees and the 5 angles of the regular pentagon add up to 540 degrees

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Each interior angle of a regular hexagon measures 120 degrees. It has a total of 720 degrees of interior angles and a total of 360 degrees of exterior angles.

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Each interior angles measures 150 degrees

What is the sum of the measures of the interior angles of a regular hexagon?

It is 720 degrees.

What is the sum of the measures of interior angles of this regular pentagon?

540 degrees

What is the measures of one of the interior angles of a regular decagon?

144 degrees.

What is the sum of the interior angles of an dodecahedron?

180 degrees

What is the sum of the measures of the interior angles of the regular polygon if each exterior measures 120?

Hint: in a regular polygon interior plus exterior = 180o, always.

What is the sum of the measures of the interior angles of a regular polygonif each exterior angle measures 90?

It will be a square or a rectangle and its 4 interior angles add up to 360 degrees

What is the measure of one of the interior angles of the regular decagon?

Each interior angle measures 144 degrees