Only fractions with the same denominator can be added directly. Addition of such fractions can be achieved by adding their numerators to form the numerator of the sum, with the common denominator of the added fractions constituting the denominator of the sum. In this instance, 2/3 = 6/9, and 4/9 + 6/9 = 10/9.
Four ninths multiplied by two thirds is = to eight twenty sevenths
two ninths
Four and two thirds divided by one and three ninths = 7/2 or 31/2
Four ninths multiplied by two thirds is = to eight twenty sevenths
two ninths
Four and two thirds divided by one and three ninths = 7/2 or 31/2
Two thirds minus two ninths is 4 ninths. Two thirds is 6 ninths. 6 ninths minus 2 ninths is 4 ninths.
8 and 1/9.
To subtract two fractions, they must have a common denominator. In this case, the common denominator is 9. So, convert 2/3 to 6/9. Then, subtract 6/9 - 4/9 to get 2/9 as the result.
How many ninths equal two-thirds?
2 and 2/3
2 5/9 + 1 2/3 = 4 2/9 or four and two ninths.