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Q: What is the sum you owe for a purchase?
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Can you pay a lump sum on your estimated taxes instead of over 4 quarters?

If you are looking to pay once, why not pay what you owe when you file? The benefit of pay quarterly is to manage cash flow so you don't owe a large sum at once.

You received a collections notice for a bill you do not owe what do you do?

contact the company that claims you owe them money and ask them to produce proof that a purchase was made by you. If you did purchase the goods and paid for them try and find a proof that payment was made.

If you are receiving a parents life insurance in one lump sum and owe child support can they take it from you?

For child support, yes they can take it from you. Or atleast some of it depending on how much you owe and how much it is.

How can you use the word remit in a sentence?

You still owe us 20 dollars; please remit this sum by return.

What is Lein holder?

When you owe a person, company, or government entity a sum of money they can place a "lein" on your assets. This could be your home, car, anything you own. The "lein" simply means that you cannot sell that item without paying what you owe.

What would you owe in taxes for a lump sum cash Wisconsin lottery winning?

your lumps sum lottery winning are subjected to upwards of 40 percent lottery windfall tax then again at the end of the year for earned income

What is total debt?

Total debt is the sum of your long-term liabilities and current liabilities. In simple terms, your total debt is the total of all that you owe.

What is tax credit?

a sum deducted from the total amount a taxpayer owes to the state ; An amount of money that a taxpayer is able to subtract from the amount of tax that they owe to the government.

Can you use a loan payment calculator to help manage your student debt?

You can use a loan calculator to help you figure out your student dept. Also you can do it yourself. Just figure out how much you owe and then how much you have already paid. Then subtract the two and you will get your sum of how much you owe now.

Is a lease repossession the same as a purchase repossession?

About the same. Don't make your payments and they will come get it. Then you still owe the difference as stated on the contract.

Can i get papers for a parrot?

If you purchase a parrot from a reputable breeder, then yes, you can get papers. If not then can I still get papers from sum where?

In Texas can your home go to auction if the HOA has a lien on your home?

A lien will not prevent your home from going into auction. Apparently, you owe someone for the loan to purchase the home, or you owe the HOA past-due assessments, or other debt for whicih your home is security.