2.5, u add the 2 middle numbers together than divide the sumj by 2
there is no level 13 items there is level 10 items and level 15 items there are very few weapons from lvl 11-14 p.s. there is a war on westion now go to bit with defend mine and go to shops there there are vul'khars lvl 7 on = 14-28 dmg lvl 15 one= 34-44 lvl 18= 36 - 48 and lvl 20 one = 43-53 (best to buy lvl 7 to use till lvl 15 then but lvl 15 now along with 7 to use till lvl 15 buy 20 at that time too)(do it that way war only on for about a week) to sumj it up buy level 7 vulk'har lvl 15 one and lvl 20 one so you will have them to use way through till about lvl 25+ happy vulk'haring :) btw: no items lvl 11- 14(you might salvage some formt that ship pieces mission) but there are no lvl 11-14 itmes in shops hope i helped - srry i went a little off the question there.