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Q: What is the supplement of the complement of a 70 degree angle?
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What is the complement of a supplement of a 110 degree angle?

It is 70 degrees because supplementary angles add up to 180 degrees

Supplrment of a 70 degree angle?

180 - 70 = 110. The supplement is 110 degree angle.

What is the complement of a 70 degree angle?

A pair of complementary angles add up to 90 degrees. Therefore, the complement of a 70 degree angle is 90 - 70 = 20 degrees.

Find the complement of a 20 degree angle?

90-20 = 70 degrees

What is the measure of the supplement of a 110 degree angle?

Supplementary angle means that the sum of two angles should be 180o Let the required supplement be x x+110=180 x=180-110 x=70 Hence the required supplement of the 110 angle is 70 degree.

What is the measure of the supplement of a 70 degrree angle?

The supplement of a 70-degree angle is 110 degrees. Supplementary angles add up to 180 degrees.

What is the measure of the supplement of a 70 angle?

110 degrees

If the measure of an angle is seventy degrees then its supplement measures?

A pair of supplementary angles add up to 180 degrees. In this instance, the supplement of an angle of 70 degrees is 180 - 70 = 110 degrees.

How do you make 55 degree angle with using compass and ruler?

First draw a 90 degree angle .Than draw a 20 degree angle from that 90 degree angle . Than the rest of the angle will be 90-20=70 .Now bisect the 70 degree angle we will get 70/2=35. Now add the rest of the angle means 35+20 =55 GOT 55 DEGREE ANGLE

What is 70 DEGREE?

A 70 degree angle is an acute angle because it is greater than 0 but less than 90 degrees

A quadrilateral has a 50 degree 70 degree and a 150 degree angle what is the measure of the fourth angle?

90 degrees

Why is a 70 degree angle impossible?

It is not impossible!