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Height x width x Depth

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Q: What is the surface area formula for a 3 dimensional figure?
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To find the surface area of a three dimensional figure what do you have to find?

You need to find the area of each two dimensional surface on the figure. Do you have a specific figure in mind?

Are surface area and area different?

Surface area concerns a 3-dimensional figure such as a cube or sphere. Area concerns a 2-dimensional figure such as a square or circle.

What is the difference of surface area and area?

surface area is the like the area of the outside of a 3 dimensional figure, area is the measure of what is inside a 2 dimensional

The amount of surface inside a two dimensional figure?

That's the area.

To find the surface area of the three dimensional figure you must find the perimeter of a face and then multiply by the height?

NO. This is the way to get the volume of a prism, not the surface area of any three-dimensional figure. To find the surface area of a three-dimensional figure, you must find the area of each of its faces and then add the side-areas together.

What is the formula to find volume of a trapezoid?

The trapezoid is a plane figure which has surface Area, but no volume but if there was a 3d figure your equation would be. The Surface Area of a trapezoid = ½(b1+b2) x h X Height of figure.

What is the surface area of a quadrilateral?

Well it matters if you put it in a 3-dimensional or a 2-dimensional figure because if you turn it into a 3-dimensional figure the the surface would have a flat surface with volume and area.If you draw a quad in 2-D then the figure you draw is the surface.

What is a three dimensional figure that has length width and height?

a solid figure

What is the enclosed surface of a figure called?

If it's a 3 dimensional shape then it is volume otherwise it is surface area

The sum of the areas of the face or surfaces of a three dimensional figure?

The answer is surface area.

Is surface area the same as area?

The term area is generally reserved for a two-dimensional polygon, but surface area is the term of the area of the different surfaces on a three-dimensional figure---the faces on the object. So no, they are not the same.

How does knowing the area of two-dimensional figures help you find the surface area of a three-dimensional shape?

The surface area of the 3-D figure will be the total of the areas of the 2-D figures.