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With all respect, the surface area of the six faces add up to 66 square units.

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Q: What is the surface area of a cube of 3 by 3 by 4?
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Do solids that have the same volume have the same surface area?

Not necessarily. Having the same volume does not mean having the same surface area. As an example, if you were to take a sphere with volume 4/3*pi*r^3, and a suface area of 4*pi*r^2, and compare it to a cube with sides 4/3, pi, and 4^3, you would find that they had a different surface area, but the same volume. Let the radius of the sphere be 2, that is r = 2. In this case the surface are of the sphere is about 50, and the surface are of the cube is about 80. So a sphere and a cube, both with a volume of about 33.51 (4/3 * pi * 8), have different surface areas.

What is bigger the surface area of a sphere or the surface area of a cube if they have the same volume?

surface area of sphere = 4πR2 volume of sphere = 4/3πR3 surface area of cube = 6s2 volume of cube = s3 since volumes are equal then s3 = 4/3πR3 s = [cube root (4/3π)] R surface area ofcube = 6 (cube root( 4/3π) times R)2 surface area sphere = 4πR2= 12.56 R2 surface area cube = 15.44 R2 So a sphere has less surface area than a cube with the same volume. Where R= radius of the sphere s=length of side of the cube Sorry,calculation above is now corrected - same equations, earlier made math error - cube has more surface area as you can see

How do you get lateral surface area of cube and cuboid?

Lateral surface area of a cuboid = 2 (Length + Breadth) × Height Lateral surface area of a cube = 4 × Side2

How do you find the volume and surface area of a cube?

A cube is a three-dimensional solid object bounded by six square faces, facets, or sides, with three meeting at each vertex.The cube formula:Volume of Cube = a³Surface Area of Cube = 6a²Diagonal of Cube = Sqrt(3)*a(a = represents a side)Lets say that the number for the given side is 3, this is how the calculation would look:Volume = a³ = 3³ = 27Surface Area = 6 * 4² = 6 * 9 = 54And the Diagonal = Sqrt(3)*a = Sqrt(3) * 3 = 1.73 * 3 = 5.19

What is the area of a cube with a length of 4?

A cube with edge lengths of 4 units will have a total surface area of 96 units2

What is the surface area of a cube that is 4 4 2?

There can be no such cube since, by definition, all edges of a cube have the same length.

What is the area of a cube that is 4 by 4 by 2?

A shape that is 4 x 4 x 2 is not a cube. The surface area of this object is 64 square units.

What will happen to the total surface area and the volume of a cube if its each side is halved?

Surface Area: The area of one side is s2, where s is the length of 1 edge of the cube. So the total area is 6s2. If the edge length is half, the new cube area is 6(s/2)2 = 6s2/4, So the new surface area is the original area divided by 4.The volume of the cube is s3. If the edge length is half, the new cube volume is (s/2)3. = (s)3/8. So the new volume is the original volume divided by 8.

In square inches what is the surface area of a cube with 4 inch sides?

Each face of the cube would have an area of 4*4 = 16 sq inches. A cube has 6 faces so the total surface area = 6*16 = 96 sq inches.

What is the surface area and volume of a cube with an edge of 4 cm?

Surface area is 96cm2 Volume is 64cm3

What is the lateral area of a cube with dimension of 5 feet?

Lateral area = surface area of 4 sides of the cube = 4s2 = 4 x 52 = 100

What is the surface are of a 4ft cube?

The surface area of a 4x4x4 ft cube is 4*4*6 ft2 (because there are 6 sides) =96 ft2