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216 square inches.

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Q: What is the surface area of a cube with a 6 inch width and a 6 inch length?
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How do you get the surface area of a cube?

Length × Width × 6

How can you use the formula for the surface area of a box to find the surface area of a cube?

The surface area of a box, which is a cuboid, depends on its length, width and height. A cube is a special type of cuboid in which the length , width and height are all the same.

How do you find area of a cube?

[width] x [length] x 6 = Area of a cube . Note: width and length should be the same if its a cube.

How do you find the surface area of a simple object?

if you are finding the surface area of a cube, first find the area of one side by multiplying length X width and then multiply the area of one side of the cube by 6. that would be the surface area of the cube

How do you find surface area of cube?

A cube has six faces, and if you multiply the area of a face by six, you'll get the cube's surface area. The area of a face is given by multiplying the length of an edge by itself. It's like the length times the width to find the area of a recangle, but since a square has a length that's equal to a width, it's just an edge (e) times itself or e x e or e2 for that area. Surface areacube = 6 e2 The surface area of the cube equals 6 times the square of the length of the edge. Cool eh?

What is the width and length of a 150 square centimeter cube?

150 square centimetres is a measure of area. Assuming it is the total surface area of the cube, the surface area of any one [square] face is 150/6 = 25 sq cm. Consequently, the width and length are sqrt(25) = 5 cm.

How do you solve the surface area of a cube?

find the surface area of one of the faces (all of the faces are the same if it is a true cube) for example if the length is 2 and the width is 2 then u multiply that and get the surface area of that then since there is 6 faces to a cube so u multiply the surface area of one of the faces by 6

What is the surface area of a cube that has sides of length 2cm?

The formula for area which is(Length x Width)times the number of faces on a cube (6). So,(Length x Width) x 6.In the case of side with length 2 it would be2 x 2 x 6Giving us24cm^2

What is the surface area of a cube if its length is 4.7?

The surface area of a cube whose length is 4.7 is 132.5 units squared.

What is the formula for surface area and volume of a cube?

Surface Area of Cube is 6 x a^2 where a is the length of one side of cube. Volume of Cube is a^3 where a is the length of one side of cube.

What is the surface area of a 6 by 6 by 6 cube?

to find the surface area of a cube you multiply Length by width, by hight- i think that that is the rich order so it would be 6x6x6 = Area or 6to the 3rd power or 18 x 6 or 102

Is the area of a cube is calculated using length x width?
