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Q: What is the surface area of the right prism given below 8 height 15 10?
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480 units squared

What is the volume of the prism given below length of 8 height of 6 width of 10?

Volume of prism: 8*6*10 = 480 cubic units

Surface area of a right prism?

Given the four variables: baseA, baseB, hypotenuse, height, the formula is: (baseA+baseB+hypotenuse)*height+baseA*baseB

Surface area and volume of a right prism?

The surface are of a right prism is equal to twice the area of its base plus the perimeter of the base multiplied with the height of the prism. The volume can be determined by multiplying the Area of the base by the height of the prism.

What is the surface area of a prism?

The surface area of a prism is the two bases and all the sides A = 2 *area of base + Perimeter of base * Height of prism.

What is Ph in the formula for the surface area of a prism?

perpendicular height

What is the formula used to find the length of a rectangular prism?

The answer depends on what information you are given: (volume, breadth and height), (surface are, breadth and height), (principle diagonal, breadth and height), (mass, density, breadth and height) or some other set.

What is the surface area of a rectangular prism of 2in times 4in times 2in times 4in?

A rectangular prism has three linear measures: length, breadth and height. There are four lengths given in the question, which is not possible.

What is the surface area of the right prism given below 8 15 10?

275 units squared

How do you measure the surface of a triangular prism?

When you say surface of a prism this means the total amount of space on the outside of the prism. You have specified it to be a triangular prism, but taking the surface area of all prisms is the same process for all prisms. When finding the surface area of a prism you always use this equation... S.A. = (2 x Area of Prism Base) + (Height x Perimeter of Prism Base) In a triangular prism the base would be a triangle. Therefore to find the area you have to do 0.5 x base of the triangle x height of the triangle. For the perimeter of the triangle just add the length of all the sides together. The height indicated in your S.A. = ... formula... is how tall the prism actually stands. So since this prism is a triangular prism take the general surface area equation and put the correct triangular measurements into the general equation and you have this... S.A. = [2 x 0.5 x (height) x (base)] + [Height x perimeter] Here is the formula in word form. The surface area of a triangular prism is equal to two multiplied by one half multiplied by the height of the traingular height multiplied by the triangular base compute this number and then add it to the product of the height of the prism times the perimeter of the triangular base.

How does one determine the surface area of a rectangular prism?

To determine the surface area of a rectangular prism, the two sides, adjacent sides, and ends of the prism must be added up. To do this, the sides are the product of the prism's length and height, the adjacent sides the width and height, and the ends the product of the length and width.

What is the volume of the rectangular prism with length l width w and height h?

The volume of a rectangular prism is given by the formula volume of rectangular prism = length x width x height If the length is l, the width is w and the height is h the volume is given by volume = lwh