Shiyali Ramamrita Rangnathan's father name was Ramamrita Ayyar...
So His surname was Ayyar...
Ravindra N. Sharma has written: 'Development of Indian academic libraries since 1800 and contributions of Dr. S. R. Ranganathan' -- subject(s): Academic libraries 'Libraries in the early 21st century' -- subject(s): Comparative librarianship, International librarianship, Libraries, Information technology
s+s+s+s*3/2 * * * * * No, that is not true. A rhombus is like a skewed square: it has four sides which are of equal length r. The perimeter is, therefore, r+r+r+r = 4*r
R = S + 2T S = 3T .... substitute R = (3T) + 2T R = 5T
15 and 24, respectively.
S. R. Ranganathan was born on 1892-08-09.
S. R. Ranganathan died on 1972-09-27.
C. R. Ranganathan has written: 'Fertilisers' -- subject(s): Fertilizer industry
It is a method of controlling serial publication and journal in big libraries and information centres, it is devised by sir, S R Ranganathan
Ranganathan Balaji Madhavan.
U. S. Grant
Chingleput Ranganathan was born in 1938.
Chingleput Ranganathan died in 2010.
T. Ranganathan was born in 1925.
T. Ranganathan died in 1987.
Ranganathan Francis was born in 1920.
According to S. R. Ranganathan: # Books are for use. # Every reader his book. # Every book its reader. # Save the time of the user. # The library is a growing organism.