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A recurring decimal is shown by a dot over a recurring single digit, or a dot over the first and a dot over the last of a sequence of recurring digits.

eg 1/3 = 0.333... would be written as 0.3 with a dot over the 3;

eg 1/6 = 0.1666... would be written as 0.16 with a dot over the 6;

eg 2/11 = 0.181818... would be written as 0.18 with a dot over the 1 and another dot over the 8;

eg 5/37 = 0.135135135... would be written as 0.135 with a dot over the 1 and another dot over the 5;

eg 1/7 = 0.142857142857142857... would be written as 0.142857 with a dot over the 1 and an other dot over the 7.

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Are recurring decimals considered irrational numbers?

No. Recurring decimals are rational numbers.

Terminating Recurring Decimal?

Decimals can be recurring. Decimals can be terminating. They can't be both.

What are three kinds of decimals?

Two of them are terminating decimals and recurring decimals

Are all nonterminating decimals irrational and why?

No, they are not. Recurring decimals are rational.

What is the meaning of recurring decimal?

Some decimals stop, some keep on going. The ones that repeat are known as recurring decimals.

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Can decimals be in a fraction?

Of course all the decimals have fractions except those with non-recurring and non-terminating decimals.

What is the equivalent decimals for 3.3?

3.3000, or 3.2999... (recurring).

What is 69 out of 81 as a percentage?

It is: 85.185% recurring decimals

What percentage of 84 is 6?

It is: 7.142857% recurring decimals

What are the 3 kinds of decimals?

The 3 kinds of decimals are "terminating" "recurring" and "other" Terminating decimals are ones that end, such as 0.74 or 0.19857 Recurring decimals are ones that don't end, but repeat, such as 0.6666666... or 0.142857142857142857.... Other decimals don't end, and don't repeat, but go on forever, such as pi=3.14159265358979323.....

What jobs use terminating decimals?

All jobs will use terminating decimals but most jobs will also require you to be able to work with recurring decimals and many will need decimal numbers which are neither terminating nor recurring.