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Q: What is the system used to make problem solving easier?
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would you add any steps to make it easier or to make it easier to understand

Why is it needed to go through a step by step process in solving a problem?

You need to go step by step because its easier to solve and to take your time doing it. Also, make sure you did the problem correctly by asking an teacher or an adult.

What are the essential elements for an effective problem solving?

Essential elements for effective problem solving include defining the problem clearly, generating potential solutions, evaluating those solutions, implementing the best solution, and reflecting on the process to make improvements for future problem solving. Communication, collaboration, critical thinking, and creativity are also key elements in successful problem solving.

What is problem solving using addition?

it is about from how our money make it go bigger

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humans do logical errors in problem solving and decision making because of non-existence of sufficient ....WISDOM.

What is the last step in the military problem solving process?

Make and implement the decision.

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By solving a math problem

What is the last step in the seven step problem solving process?

Make and implement the decision.

What is the last step in the seven step military problem-solving?

Make and implement the decision.

What is the last step in the seven step military solving problem?

Make and implement the decision.

How do you solve Problem Solving Strategy math problems?

there are 4 steps to problem solving. first write what the question is asking you.then write what you know. then you make and Carrie out a plan andfinally you represent the answer in a sentence