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I suggest you calculate the total distance travelled (use the formula for the circumference of a circle), then divide this result by the time to get the speed.

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Q: What is the tangential speed of an object moving in a circle with a radius of 5 that is going around 3 times in 4 seconds?
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How do you find tangential velocity?

Tangential velocity can be found by multiplying the angular velocity (in radians per second) by the distance from the axis of rotation to the point of interest. It represents the speed at which an object is moving around a circle or rotating about a point.

A father swings his child around in a circle The source of the centripetal force that keeps the child moving in a circle is?

The centripetal force that keeps the child moving in a circle is provided by the tension in the rope or the force exerted by the father's hand on the child. This force is directed towards the center of the circle, preventing the child from moving in a straight line tangential to the circle.

How do you calculate a velocity when an object is moving around the circular path?

The velocity of an object moving in a circular path is calculated as the product of the radius of the circle and the angular velocity. It can also be calculated using the formula: velocity = radius x angular velocity. The velocity is a vector quantity and its direction is tangential to the circle at any given point.

What is a acceleration in a circle?

Acceleration in a circle is the change in velocity of an object moving in a circular path. It can be either centripetal acceleration, which points towards the center of the circle and keeps the object on its path, or tangential acceleration, which changes the speed of the object along the circle.

Objects that move along a circular path are they accelerated toward the outer edge of the circle?

Actually, objects moving around a circular path have two accelerations i.e. radial acceleration and tangential acceleration. Radial acceleration is towards the radius whereas tangential acceleration is the acceleration along the direction of the tangent to the path of the motion. So, I would say yes, they are accelerated towards the outer edge of the circle.

The inward force needed to keep an object moving in a circle?

The force that keeps objects moving in a circle is known as the centripetal force, which acts towards the center. The velocity of the object moving in a circle will be tangential to the circle.

What is the force moving toward a center?

The force moving toward a center is called centripetal force. It is responsible for keeping an object in circular motion by pulling it towards the center of the circle. Without this force, the object would move in a straight line tangential to the circle.

What is tangential motion?

Tangential motion is motion that occurs perpendicular to the radius of a circular path. It represents the speed or direction change of an object moving in a circular path. Tangential motion is often seen in circular motion scenarios, like a car going around a curve or a satellite orbiting around a planet.

What is an example of tangential and centripetal acceleration?

If an object follows a circular path, it must have a centripetal force on it to keep it moving in a circle. Centripetal means "toward the center of the circle". The force causes Centripetal acceleration toward the center witch is along the radius of the circular path. Tangential acceleration occurs at a Tangent to the circular path and is always perpendicular to the centripetal acceleration. Always perpendicular to the radius of the circle.

What is the difference between tangential and radial acceleration?

Answer Both refer to an object that is in a cirular motion. Radial Acceleration is a velocity change of the object as it moves away from the center of rotation. Tangential Velocity is a change of velocity of the object as it moves in a line that is tangential to the circular path it is moving.

What is the direction of the force that's keeps and object moving in a circle?

The force that keeps an object moving in a circle is directed towards the center of the circle. This force is called the centripetal force and it is responsible for changing the object's direction continuously, keeping it in circular motion.

Is it possible to have positive instantaneous tangential velocity and negative instantaneous tangential acceleration?

Yes, it is possible to have positive instantaneous tangential velocity and negative instantaneous tangential acceleration. This occurs when an object is moving in the positive direction but slowing down due to a decrease in its speed.