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The temperature at which water freezes. Also, it is equal to 0 degrees Celsius, or 270 degrees on the Kelvin scale.

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Q: What is the temperature 32 degrees Fahrenheit?
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32 in the T in D F at which W F?

32 is the temperature in degrees Fahrenheit there is also an expanded version of this which reads 32 is the T in D F at which W F 32 is the temperature in degrees Fahrenheit at which water freezes

A temperature is 32 degrees Fahrenheit what is the Celsius temperature?

32 degrees Fahrenheit = 0 degrees Celsius.32 degrees Fahrenheit = 0 (zero) degrees Celsius

If the temperature is 32 degrees Fahrenheit what is it in Celsius temperature?

32 degrees Fahrenheit = 0 degrees Celsius

-32 is the T in D F at which W F?

32 is the temperature in degrees Fahrenheit at which water freezes

What is the temperature of melting ice on the Fahrenheit scale?

The temperature of melting ice on the Fahrenheit scale is 32 degrees Fahrenheit.

What temperature is the freezing temperature?

The freezing temperature of water is 32 degrees Fahrenheit (0 degrees Celsius).

If the temperature in celsius is 0 degrees what is the temperature in Fahrenheit?

32 degrees fahrenheit.

If the temperature is -25 degrees Celsius how many degrees is that on a Fahrenheit scale?

Fahrenheit temperature= 9/5(Celsius temperature) + 32 9/5(-25) + 32=Fahrenheit 9(-5) + 32=Fahrenheit -45+32=-13 degrees Fahrenheit

If a temperature in Fahrenheit is 32 what is it in Celsius?

32 degrees Fahrenheit = 0 degrees Celsius.

What does 37.8 Celsius equal in Fahrenheit?

Temperature Fahrenheit = Temperature Celsius(1.80) + 32 Temperature Fahrenheit = (37.8 degrees Celsius) * (1.80) + 32 Temperature Fahrenheit = 100.04 degrees -------------------------------------------------------

How much is 0.6 degrees Celsius in Fahrenheit?

0.6 degrees Celsius is equal to 33.08 degrees Fahrenheit.

What temperature in Fahrenheit is 39.4 Celsius?

39.4 degrees Celsius is equivalent to 102.9 degrees Fahrenheit.