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0 degrees C is the freezing point of water.

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Q: What is the temperature in Celsius of freezing water?
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What is the Celsius freezing temperature?

The Celsius freezing temperature is 0 degrees Celsius. At this temperature, water freezes and turns into ice.

Which temperature scale shows water freezing at zero?

The Celsius temperature scale shows water freezing at zero degrees Celsius.

What temperature is the freezing temperature?

The freezing temperature of water is 32 degrees Fahrenheit (0 degrees Celsius).

The scale of temperature which reads zero as the freezing point of water is?

The scale of temperature that reads zero as the freezing point of water is the Celsius scale.

What is the freezing temperature in both Celsius and Fahrenheit?

The freezing temperature in Celsius is 0°C and in Fahrenheit it is 32°F.

What temperature is the freezing point of the Celsius scale?

The freezing point of water on the Celsius scale is 0 degrees Celsius.

At what temperature in Celsius freeze?

0 Celsius is freezing point of water

What temperature on the Celsius scale is five degreees colder then the freezing temperature of water?

The freezing temperature of water on the Celsius scale is 0 degrees. Five degrees colder than that would be -5 degrees Celsius.

Which temperature scale labels the freezing point of water at 0 degrees?

Celsius temperature scale labels the freezing point of water at 0 degrees.

Is freezing temperature of water is zero on both the Kelvin and Celsius scales?

Yes, in the Kelvin scale, freezing temperature of water is 273.15 K, while in the Celsius scale it is 0 degrees Celsius.

What temperature scale shows water freezing at 0?

It is the Celsius temperature scale

Freezing point for Celsius?

The freezing temperate in Fahrenheit is exactly 32 degrees. But as you may know that temperature is different in Celsius. So the freezing temperature in Celsius is different that Fahrenheit. Like I said before the freezing temperature in Fahrenheit is 32 degrees. But as I have been saying, that temperature is different in Celsius. I do know that the difference between the temperature in Fahrenheit and the temperature in Celsius is 32 degrees. So if you do the mathematical problem (32-32) correctly you will get the answer to your question which is "Freezing point in Celsius temp?". Therefor I am clearly stating that the freezing temperature in Celsius is 0 degrees.