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Minus 40. You can obtain this by using the conversion formula, for example, F = (9/5)C + 32, setting F = C (that is, replacing the F with C, or the other way round), and solving.

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Q: What is the temperature where degree C and degree F are the same?
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What the hottest temperature 65 degree F or 25 degree C or 50 degree f or 5 degree C?

The hottest temperature is 50 degrees Fahrenheit or 10 degrees Celsius.

100.7 F What is the temperature in C?

100.7 degree Fahrenheit = 38.17 degree Celsius [°C] = ([°F] − 32) × 5⁄9

If the temperature is 100 degree C what is it in F degree?


What is the temperature in degree C when the temperature is 59 degree F?

15 0C is the temperature for the required conversion.

What is degree mean?

Temperature is either C or F C = Centigrade or Celsius F = Fahrenheit

How hot is water at 80 degree F and 27 degree C?

Water is the same temperature at 80°F and 27°C, which is approximately 27°C or 80°F.

Which has the larger value C or F?

A temperature change by one degree on Celsius scale equals temperature change of 1.8 degree on Fahrenheit scale or F (Fahrenheit) = 1.8 C (Celsius) + 32

What is the ideal temperature for baking cakes?

350 degree F is the appropriate temperature for baking a cake.

What is -1 degree Celsius in Fahrenheit?

The temperature 1 degree Celsius is 33.8 degrees Fahrenheit.The conversion formula is °F = (°C * 9 / 5) + 32°Degree Intervals in Celsius compared to Fahrenheit : 1 "degree" Celsius = 1.8 "degrees" FahrenheitA "degree" on the Celsius scale is 1.8 times as large as a "degree" on the Fahrenheit scale. A temperature difference on the Fahrenheit scale will be 1.8 times as large a value as the same temperature difference on the Celsius scale. Celsius uses larger intervals for each degree.Example : The freezing point of water is 0 °C and 32 °F. When the temperature increases to 10 °C, the equivalent Fahrenheit change is 18 degrees, to 50 °F.(see related questions)33.8 F

How is the Celsius temperature scale set up?

The Celsius degree uses the boiling and freezing temperature as a base for indicating temperature. 0 degrees Celsius is the temperature at which water freezes and boils at a 100 degrees Celsius. The kelvin degree has the same "amount" of heat between each degree but uses the absolute coldest point as zero (-275 C and -463 F). To convert Fahrenheit to Celsius you subtract 38 and divide by 1.8 ( (F-38)/1.8=C) and Celsius to Fahrenheit you take C*1.8+38. The Fahrenheit degree uses human body temperature as base which is approximately 37-38 C and 100 F.

What is temperature unit known as?

The unit for temperature is known as degree Celsius (°C) in the metric system and degree Fahrenheit (°F) in the Imperial system.

What does one degree of temperature change in Celsius equal in Fahrenheit?

One degree Celsius is equivalent to a change of 1.8 degrees Fahrenheit. This means that when the temperature changes by one degree Celsius, it will change by 1.8 degrees Fahrenheit in the opposite direction.