the reccomended temperature of a fridge is 4-5 degrees, but it can vary
The number of watts measures the power, and Ohm's laws requires us to know the current as well as the voltage to determine the power.P = i x eFor example, if the fridge draws 10 amps at 115 volts, the power is 1150 watts.AnswerThe answer is that it depends on the fridge. Look at the nameplate information for your particular fridge; that's where you will find your answer.
A fridge
cool tool
put it in the fridge
A 'fraction' means 'a part of it but not all of it'. Like when you take a jug of milk out of the fridge, pour yourself a glass, and put the rest of the jug back in the fridge. You drank a "fraction" of what was in the jug.
the temperature of the earth is 4000 degrees
96.4 degree f
fridges or fridge's if possessive i.e. (The fridge's contents were old.)
The fridge is broken.Put the ham in the fridge.The fridge is covered in magnets.
The water instantly cools one condenced.
oven - fridge. make your mind up. A fridge should be under 5C oven - fridge. make your mind up. A fridge should be under 5C
The German for fridge is Kühlschrank
No, there are no cans in the fridge.
Yes, the turkey is in the fridge.
a larder fridge does not have a freezer/chilling/ice box.
form_title= Mini Fridge form_header= Purchase a mini fridge for your needs. Do you want the fridge to include a small freezer?*= () Yes () No Do you want an energy efficient fridge?*= () Yes () No What color do you want the fridge?*= _ [40]