Once every 12 months, once every 6 months, once every 3 months
3/12 = 1/4
there are 12 months in every Gregorian year.
Every term of a polynomial is a monomial.
every next term is 4 smaller than previous so 7th term = -23
Quarter. At every Quarter of the financial year (every 3 months).
A publication that's published every two months is a bi-monthly. That would be six issues per year. There was some abiguity in the past with the term sometimes being used to mean both twice a month and every two months. There was a gradual shift in the late twentieth century to that term being used to indicate every two months.
Once every 12 months, once every 6 months, once every 3 months
you should change it from every 2-3 months to every 3-4 months.
A school term take 3 months
every 3 months is a regular schedual, when you start you have to give them it twice. Once, then again in two weeks, after that its every 3 months.
once every other 3 months, and then twice every 7 months...
Quickening is a term used to describe the baby's movement which you could feel from 3 months, although every person is different.
About 3.
every 3 months
3 months