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Q: What is the term for percentage for people in Mexico who can read and write?
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This is the term that is used to describe the percentage of people in a country who have the ability to read and write?

The term used to describe the percentage of people in a country who have the ability to read and write is literacy rate. It is often measured by the percentage of people aged 15 and above who can read and write in their native language.

What is the term for percentage of people who can read and write?

the term used to refer the percantage of people who can read and write is called literecy rate.

Did people in Mexico know how to read and write?

Yes. 95.1% of Mexicans 15 and older can read and write (2012 est.)

What percentage of people can read in Ghana?

As of 2018, the literacy rate in Ghana was reported to be around 79%, meaning that approximately 79% of the population aged 15 and above can read and write.

What is literacy rate?

Literacy rate is the percentage of people in a population who can read and write at a specified age, usually measured at age 15 or older. It is an important indicator of a country's educational attainment and development level.

What is the percentage of people who read and write in panama?

2% , they are real Morons there, they don't know how to read and write until theyu are 18.

What is the litercay in Mexico?

91% of people older than 15 can read and write.

What is the percentage of people who can not read or write in newham?

35% of Newham cant read or write including children under 10 and over 5

What is the percentage pf people who can read and write in a given area is?

The percentage of people who can read and write in a given area is known as the literacy rate. It is typically expressed as a percentage of the total population above a certain age (usually 15 or 18 years old) who are able to read and write. Literacy rates can vary significantly between regions and countries.