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Q: What is the term for the procedure of collecting data and recording observations under controlled conditions?
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What does A procedure that tests a hypothesis by collecting information under controlled conditions mean?

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What is the procedure that tests a hypothesis by collecting information under controlled conditions?

The procedure that tests a hypothesis by collecting information under controlled conditions is called an experiment. In an experiment, researchers manipulate one or more variables to observe the effects on the outcomes of interest. This controlled setting allows researchers to make conclusions about the relationships between variables.

What is an organized procedure study something under controlled conditions?


Is it true or false that a procedure done under controlled conditions to test a hypothesis is an inquiry?


What is procedure that involves making measurements and observations?

This procedure is called a experiment.

Organized procedure that involves making measurements and observations?


What is an organized procedure that involves making measurements and observations?


What is a structure procedure for collecting info to test a hypothesis called?

An (A) Experiment

A structured procedure for collecting information to test a hypothesis is?

It is called an experiment.expiriment

What is needed in a scientific method?

you need: your question, your hypothesis, materials, the procedure, your observations and a conclusion.

What is the definition of a technical method?

A data-gathering procedure that involves following an outlined procedure, making accurate observations, and recording or reporting all findings.

Is an organized procedure for testing hypothesis?

Is an explanation based on many observations supported by experimental results