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unissued shares

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Q: What is the term for the total number of shares that a corporation may issue under the terms of its charter?
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Where is your issue number on your mastercard?

I don't think that Mastercards have an issue number on them, mine certainly doesn't.

How many numbers does an issue number have?

1 number = 1 number

Does issue number mean account number on your card?


Are 1000 shares traded and 800 deliverable positive or negative for shares?

Types of sharesA company may have many different types of shares that come with different conditions and rights.There are four main types of shares:Ordinary shares are standard shares with no special rights or restrictions. They have the potential to give the highest financial gains, but also have the highest risk. Ordinary shareholders are the last to be paid if the company is wound up.Preference shares typically carry a right that gives the holder preferential treatment when annual dividends are distributed to shareholders. Shares in this category have a fixed value, which means that a shareholder would not benefit from an increase in the business' profits. However, usually they have rights to their dividend ahead of ordinary shareholders if the business is in trouble. Also, where a business is wound up, they are likely to be repaid the par or nominal value of shares ahead of ordinary shareholders.Cumulative preference shares give holders the right that, if a dividend cannot be paid one year, it will be carried forward to successive years. Dividends on cumulative preference shares must be paid, despite the earning levels of the business.Redeemable shares come with an agreement that the company can buy them back at a future date - this can be at a fixed date or at the choice of the business. A company cannot issue only redeemable shares.

What is the difference between volume and issue?

Volume is the number of issues in a year.

Related questions

What is the maximum number of shares of stock that a corporation can issue over the life of the charter called?

authorized shares are the maximum number of shares of stock that a corporation can issue.

What is difference between authorized stock and issued stock?

Authorized stock has not necessarily been issued. The incorporating state authorizes the corporation to issue a certain number of shares of stock. All shares of a company are authorized... not all are issued.

What is the maximum number of stockholder in a corporation?

In theory, it is unlimited. The Shareholders' Agreement will state if there is a limit to the number of common (or other) shares that can be issued, but oftentimes, a corporation will be permitted to issue an unlimited number. At any given time, you can have as many shareholders as the quantity of stock issued (1 share per person).

Stock Certificate?

Get StartedA stock certificate provides evidence of the ownership of shares issued by a corporation. The stock certificate is not the stock itself, but merely tangible evidence of ownership of the shares. The corporate bylaws may specify whether the corporation is actually required to issue stock certificates. As a practical matter, most corporations are required to issue certificates upon demand by a stockholder, and most issue certificates as a general rule.This program will be useful to print stock certificates, either those issued initially by the corporation to its original stockholders, or to new owners who have purchased their shares from a prior stockholder. It is intended to be used by a corporation which is formed, owned, and operated by a small number of stockholders, and which will not in any manner solicit outside investors to buy its shares of stock.

How many shares is cayman corporation authorized to issue and how man shares must be to comply with the minimum requirement?

Problem: Cayman corporation is to be formed with authorized capital stock of 100 pesos with par value per share at 50 pesos.

What is the minimum subscription?

When a company offer shares to the public, they offer many shares, however they set a speific amount to be subsribed by the public in order to issue the shares, otherwise they cannot issue the shares.

What is a pre-emption clause?

Apreemptive right or preemption clause is that acurrent shareholder can maintain their fractional ownership of a company by buying a proportional number of shares of any future issue of common stock. Most states consider preemptive rights/clause valid only if made explicit in a corporation's charter. also called subscription privilege or subscription right.

What is a pre emption clause?

Apreemptive right or preemption clause is that acurrent shareholder can maintain their fractional ownership of a company by buying a proportional number of shares of any future issue of common stock. Most states consider preemptive rights/clause valid only if made explicit in a corporation's charter. also called subscription privilege or subscription right.

What is Share issue?

Shares initially sold to an investor and then subsequently repurchased by the issuing corporation. These share are no longer outstanding but remain issued until the corporation cancels them, if it ever does cancel them. Shares issued are not included in the market capitalization calculation.

Can a private co issue shares to meet its working capital needs?

Private company can increase number of directors who can contribute to share capital but cannot issue shares to public.

How many times can a private corporation issue an IPO?

A company can do an IPO only once. If it wants to issue more shares it can do a Further Public Offering or FPO or do a rights issue etc. But an IPO can be done only once.

How do mutual funds differ from closed-end funds?

they are required to issue shares and redeem (buy back) outstanding shares upon demand. Closed-end funds, on the other hand, issue a certain number of shares but do not stand ready to buy back their own shares from investors