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If the 3.5 percent is per year, with simple interest you have the equation: 2142 = 15300*0.035*t ; then solve for t = 4, so 4 years.

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Q: What is the term of a loan with a principle of 15300 dollars a rate of 3.5 percent and a simple interest of 2142 dollars?
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The formula for interest is I = rtP. Then r = I/tP, where t = 11/12. This calculates to a simple interest rate of 8.8 percent.

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The answer for rate in simple interest is =rate= simple interest\principle*time

What is 3 percent of 300000 over 30 years?

If the interest is simple interest, then the 300,000 earns an additional 270,000 in 30 years (on top of the principle). If the interest is compound interest paid annually, then the 300,000 earns an additional 428,178.74 in 30 years (on top of the principle).

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Simple interest compounded annually and reinvested will yield 619173.64 before taxes.

How do you calculate simple interest earned?

simple interest = principle (money) times the rate times the time

How is simple interested calculated differently from coupounded interest?

With compound interest the interest amount is added to the principle and then earns interest as well. This is usually expressed as an annual percentage rate (APR). Simple interest is not added to the principle and does not earn further interest and is used rarely.